October Faves [4th of November 2015]

I've been  planning on doing some faves post on the blog for a while. I really want to try doing them on youtube as well but I'm still a bit to uncomfortable to sit down and talk about the products on camera. It's surprisingly hard to sit down and talk to an inanimate object (especially when there are people at home and you sound crazy while talking to yourself!). So starting of with writing favourites and gradually doing them on youtube will probably go better, I'll get a hang on things to say while writing them too ^^

Well should we start!

1. Turkish Yoghurt
This stuff topped with some berries, banana, nuts and dark chocolate =  heaven!
It quenches my while leaving me full and satisfied :)

2. My new job a the airport. Even though I've been a bit of a mess on it in the beginning, we've finally found the reason for my screw ups and I'm sure it will go better from now on. It's really fun to work in an enviroment with people around my age and to constantly be meeting different types of people! Of course more work means more salary which means I can save more money for my trip!

3. My work pants!
They are super durable at least for people like me who have touching thighs that rub against eachother that makes my pants tear between the thighs super fast especially jeans [now I've had them for about 4 months and they are still going strong!]. They are dress pants so they are formal but surprisingly comfortable, which makes them perfect!

4. Ailee - Mind your own bussiness
Plain girl power! Go Ailee!! I tend to love anything she releases!

5. H&M's Dipliner ink !

Completly amazing, cheap eyeliner that is super easy to use for beginners! I love it it's pgmented, stays on super well, is really easy to manunver and flexible for thick and thin lines!


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