bye bye phonnie [1/3-2016]

I'm back and mostly just to rant :D

I can't understand how I can be so tired and scattered brained that  I lose my phone at the seven minute walk from my changing room to work.... I was crossing my fingers and toes for a chance that a good hearted soul would return it to lost and found or something, but sadly enough in our reality I work at the airport so there is way to many different individuals for me to be lucky enough to have an honest person find my phone. 

Funny thing is that my co-workers are more upset about it than me, for me it is a cé la vie type of thing. The big struggle here is that I am supposed to meet up with mum and auntie in order to pick up my  uncle that lands today... but how am I supposed to find them now??!?  What actually made me sad is the fact that I lost the cutest video of grandma that I had saved as a gift for all her children but now that one is gone!!!! To be honest I would let the person that found my phone keep it as long as I got my SIM-card back with those photos and video!!!! Lesson of the day! Always mail or save your important stuff to keep them safe please!!!!


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